Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leaving the Nest...Again

Unlike Meg Ryan's character in "You've Got Mail", I don't particularly like the Fall.  Yeah, the leaves changing color are beautiful, especially here in New England and yes, I like to pull out the sweaters and put away the AC, but it is also is the signal of a new school year.  Now, don't get me wrong...I love my job as a teacher, but let's face it, I love summer vacation.  I also love having my children home with me. 

Fall is especially hard when you have a college student.  And yesterday, I once again sent my oldest out into the cold cruel world.  This time instead of putting her on a plane, I watched her drive away on her 2,300 mile journey across the United States.  It feels like just yesterday that I put her on the bus for her first day of kindergarten.

I miss her already.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Adventures of Sailing by Tory and mom

In Canada Dad and I went sailing.  In the beginning it was fun except for the spiders. The worst part about that was the mother, and she just had babies - like a thousand! So off we went  with me in the front where there weren't any spiders, but unfortunately it is the most wet set on the boat as you would imagine. First we stayed near our island then we went to the real wind area where the boats were. It was near the end when there was a big wind so we had to get moving since we were just sitting there. Then we had to turn. The wind was too strong for me and I fell off!  As the boat went by my dad held out his hand so I grabbed him. He didn't think I would be able to catch him so he was just about to take his hand away. I grabbed him so he pulled me up and we were on our way. After that I almost fell off three more times. When I got back to the island, I decided to stay inside the rest of the day and watch movies while trying to dry off and warm up.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lawn Mower Melancholy

Our  poor lawn hasn't been mowed for 2 weeks now.  The first week due to the fact that we were on vacation.  This past week because the mower wouldn't start.  Over the past month, we noticed that each time we started the mower it took longer for the engine to actually turnover, therefore we came to the logical conclusion that it needed a new battery. Jamie quickly volunteered to go to his favorite store (Lowe's) and buy a new battery.  He then quickly volunteered me to put it in the mower.  I, feeling like I have decent mechanical abilities was willing to give it the old college try.  So, armed with tools, a new battery and Bryce, I set off to the shed and our awaiting immobile mower.

10 minutes later and lots of WD 40 to undo very corroded contacts, Bryce and I were able to take out the old and put in the new.  I then had Bryce sit down, turn the key and...silence.  With four children most days all I pray for is silence.  But when it comes to anything mechanical, that is the last sound I want to hear.

Once Jamie came home, we brainstormed on what else could be causing the sound of silence.  Jamie spent a few hours researching the Internet and decides it has something to do with the circuitry and therefore can't handle himself so he finally succumbs to calling a repairman.

Fast forward to a few hours ago.  Mr. Mower (name has been changed to protect the innocent) came I show him the mower, which Bryce had graciously pushed into the garage, and leave him to his magic.  Less than 2 minutes later I hear the beautiful sound of a lawn mower starting up.  Of course I run out to the garage to see what in the world he did.  To my dismay, all he did was tighten up the battery contacts.  That folks, was a hard $96 lesson learned.

Friday, August 13, 2010

End of Summer, Beginning of Blogger

Fall is fast approaching and I feel like I haven't done much on my mental to-do list.  However, as I look back on the Summer of 2010, I really have been blessed with a great deal of prime time with my family and I have even managed to read 4 Great Stone Face Books for school, finished 2 classes from my Master's program, and took a trip to Europe to pick up our daughter from her study abroad program.  Not bad for one summer.
Bellinzona, Switzerland
