Friday, August 13, 2010

End of Summer, Beginning of Blogger

Fall is fast approaching and I feel like I haven't done much on my mental to-do list.  However, as I look back on the Summer of 2010, I really have been blessed with a great deal of prime time with my family and I have even managed to read 4 Great Stone Face Books for school, finished 2 classes from my Master's program, and took a trip to Europe to pick up our daughter from her study abroad program.  Not bad for one summer.
Bellinzona, Switzerland



  1. Charisse,
    Nice pictures. I too have been busy with the Great Stone Face books and have not found many that will appeal to the average 4-5 student. I have been kicking around an idea for a district wide book club and would love to talk to you about it if you think you might have students that might be interested. We can conduct the discussions on Moodle.
    What are you studying for your Masters?

  2. Hi Charisse,
    Your blog is amazing. Sounds like you had an wonderful summer. I'm reading GSF too and have read 13, but then my only trip was a weekend in Baltimore. I like several of them and am thinking of a book club using the book "The girl who threw butterflies."
