Monday, November 8, 2010

3 New Students

Our little school of 150 just grew by 3 today! 
Here is a link on how to make new students feel welcome.


  1. The two ideas I thought were really great were to have the STUDENTS give the new student the class orientation/class rules. The other that was really good was have a lengthy roll call where each student gives their name and some information about themselves with the new student going last. Both of these are easy and can be handled effciently by the students.

    The parent contact after one week is a great welcoming idea as it should encourage them to get involved in the school by making them feel welcomed.

    Do you think that generally teachers have a set plan for new students during the school year? If not, what could you do to help them establish one?

  2. Thanks for posting this link. It is nice to have gentle reminders throughout the year. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting through our curriculum that we can forget what it might be like for new students. We often get new students here in Exeter and for many, the move in is not for positive reasons. (like an exciting new opportunity for the family) I will keep these ideas in mind. I think several ideas have particular relevance to me in the library.

  3. Its great that your school plans ahead and is ready to meet the needs of new students. In my school of about 1200, I often worry that new students get lost in the shuffle. Have you had any feedback from these students?

  4. Helen,
    In the four years that I have been in Newfields, we haven't had any students come in mid-year - until now. I think since we are so small, we have the ability to handle it well - but like you said, sometimes we forget what it might be like for a new student.

  5. Sarah,
    I agree in a school your size, it must be hard for new students not to get lost in the shuffle. You can't get lost in Newfields! We only have 2 halls :) The beauty of a small school is the personal attention. Our wonderful principal gave the family a personal tour of the building and met all the teachers. I had a nice talk with the mother on their second day of school and exchanged phone numbers (she's just down the road from me) and I gave recommendations for doctors and dentists. I will have to ask, once they are totally settled in (they are still in a hotel until their house is ready), what else we could do to help new students.
